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Body image


What is Body Positivity?

Body Positivity means- accepting your body, the way it is, as well as accepting the changes that it may have in the future, depending on size, shape, age, nature, genetics, personal choices- anything. It means understanding your worth, despite how you may look or feel from the outside because You’re Worth It!

As someone who has struggled with body image issues, this post is something difficult to create. As an adolescent, continue my story.

A brief on my story

  I used to be a skinny kid and I believed it was necessary because I was doing athletics since grade 3. Even though I was actually excelling at it at such an early age I used to be body shamed for the fact that I looked too skinny or they would use the term “stick”. Life was hard. People would often ask if I didn't eat well whereas in fact I ate much as I could and didn't happen to gain weight(I still remember those days!) Well maybe I had a high metabolic rate and burned more calories than I would have taken but the words of people always stood in the way. I was mentally too occupied with the thought I was too skinny. My friends would joke around for having flat chess or skinny arms. They would say it loud enough so the whole classroom hears. It was sort of mental abuse that constantly brought me down.

Even as more years passed by and I grew older I still didn't gain weight. I was actually the same size. With experience I know most of you might or are suffering from the same issues I had been through or maybe you are the opposite of what I was, maybe you were trying to lose weight but you didn't happen to do it yet or you are doing your best every day to lose weight(which I appreciate a lot)

Whatever size you are, it doesn't change the fact as to who you are as a person. We all have different shapes and sizes. Body image is not created equally, we are unique and have our own strengths and flaws. It is only human. What really matters is your mindset, how you approach your image of the body.

Maybe you are not content with your body size or shape, well you are not the only one out there. You can always work for it. You can engage in yoga, exercise, working out in a gym, aerobics, dancing, or any form of cardio you like to reach your goal. If there's a will there's always a way.

Social media have influenced our lives drastically. How we see models and influencers each time we scroll our feeds and advertising!Due to the constant appearance of a “perfect” figure in our eyes we are forced to compare ourselves with them. That's when we start doubting ourselves! we ask, are we enough? why don't I look a that certain way?

It is at that exact moment we begin to compare, we start ruining our mindset. We drift from self-love to self-comparisons neglecting or questioning our self-worth.
We start redefining ourselves. And this redefinition will solely be based on your body image, like why don't I look good in that swimsuit or the idea of the perfect summer body(ridiculous!)
Meaning people are more defined by beauty first not people first.

The concept of body image is based on not believing our bodies look good but knowing our bodies look good regardless of how it looks. We should be able to see more, people and everything.

Your body should be an instrument, not an ornament. We should not see our bodies in a way from someone else's perspective.

Body shaming can lead to self-harm, hiding, and abusive alcohol. It has become a normal part of our lives. It has become our defaults. We body shame others subconsciously or purposely not knowing what it leads to.

This is why we have to learn to see more. We should know that we can either break from our experiences or we can make ourselves from our experiences. So you should decide and go for what you love and know that your self-worth is based on who you are.

Effect Of Social Media

Social Media's obsession with everyone's body is not helping us. We all do it, admit it, scroll, roll and bam you find someone too perfect to feel insecure or too ugly to troll. Social media is turning into a dangerous place for us.

A study suggests that the more time young girls will spend on Facebook more chances they will develop an eating disorder. And when we see a feed full of unrealistically perfect people and people getting roasted for not meeting those standards we feel bad for ourselves.

According to a survey, over 90% of girls are subjected to body shaming actively use social media, and that has severe consequences, and research shows that this kind of trolling is making people less healthy. Every time you make a girl believe she is fat you are raising her risks of having depression and anxiety disorder.

This isn't about women, over 60% of men are subjected to body shaming too, studies suggest boys are struggling more and more with their body image, and men who overthink more and more about these things are likely to be engaged in activities like smoking, binge drinking, bullying, etc.

So yeah calling a guy for being shorter than 5'3" or talking about his weight etc. because men have no emotions is not cool.

Now please don't confuse it with 'Netizens' being concerned about your health. Reminding a person again and again about their overweight can lead to them taking it up as a regular practice. It can lead to people going for a crash diet which rarely works!

A person might not post a picture of their body as it makes them think they are too fat or too skinny because they are afraid they might be subjected to body shame.

We need to make social media a more kind place.

Body shaming has become taboo in the modern world of fast internet, quick selfies, Instagram hot pictures, and instant gratification.

This wasn't a big deal if you are born in a stone age. Nobody gives a damn! But now it does. It is penetrated so deeply in the system that if other people don't shame you; you shame yourself!

Understand that “we all come in different shapes and sizes”

We are shown unrealistic images of beauty everywhere, be it magazines, movies, hoardings, or even television. But if you give it a thought, who doesn’t look amazing after a professional makeover and photoshoot. But here’s a deal for you, you have to stop comparing yourself with these ideal beauty standards set by society or you better stop comparing yourself with anyone. Just embrace who you are, and love the way you are - after all, we all come in different shapes and sizes and this is what makes us beautiful.

Practice positive self talk

At the end of the day, we are all humans and are inherently bestowed with an inner stream of consciousness that prattles all day long. If your stream of thoughts flows in constantly, then you learn to meditate and avoid getting caught up in its current. Whenever you catch yourself having negative thoughts, make an effort to replace them with positive ones. Prepare your own list of positive thoughts and feed them to yourself at times of need.

Switch from fear to gratitude

This is the easiest way to get up and accept what we don’t like about ourselves. These body-shaming thoughts spring from fear, fear of not fitting in the society, fear of not being accepted that we end up not liking what we see in the mirror. But gratitude is the opposite of fear and allows us to shun our stream of consciousness and sing a whole different tune. Make sure that you find ways to be more grateful to your body for what a beauty it makes you - You’re special in your own way.

Follow health-related fitness goals and not size-related

Having a fitness goal in place is a wonderful thing to start with. But it’s the motivation behind these goals which makes all the difference. Connect your goals to a deeper motivation and follow health-related goals and not size-related goals to lose an inch or two. Focus on factors like your overall health, strength, longevity, endurance, and energy. This will make all the difference.

Always remember, your body has got nothing to do with your self-worth. Embrace your personality, treat yourself whenever you feel good. Have fun with your kids and family. Once people start feeling the radiating confidence within you, all negativity will eventually melt away.

Love yourself first. Click this link to find out more about SELF-LOVE. Respect your own opinion. We all have our less-than-positive points, and we can accept that, but we should NOT blow them out of proportion in comparison to everything else. Downplay the negatives, accentuate the positives. None of us are perfect, and accepting that point is half the battle. Realize that your body is merely a vessel that carries the important stuff, and that is your character, honesty, trust, love, integrity, and personal value. Those are the true things to be admired. 

By observing people around You and knowing that none of them is perfect.

For example, there's a beautiful girl living somewhere near my home, but she is physically challenged. Another handsome guy but has a scarred face. A beautiful face that cannot talk. Attentive guy but cannot hear.

The point is not a single person on this planet is perfect. All of them are flawed, yet they are lovable. And so are You. :)

Every person is unique or perfect in her or his own way. You are too. Maybe You don't realize it, my dear friend 

That is all in your mindset. You have believe in your body and your capabilities and let nothing stand in your way. When those insecurities enter your mind you have to be strong enough to shut them down or do something about them. At the end of the day we are in charge of our bodies and the results we desire are our own responsibility. 

Everything I write about is geared towards things that I deeply care about. My two greatest strengths are in topics about fitness and things that relate to motivation. I’ve been fortunate to take my passion helping others and make their lives better.


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